Time certainly flies when you’re having fun.  It’s been a mixed end-2011/beginning-2012 for me.  Memorable events include a car accident that happened in December which tarnished my no-accident-in-25-years-of-driving record.  The accident made me realise that shit happens no matter how well you think you’ve orchestrated your life.  I rarely nag my husband (although he may […]

Six of us squeezed into Bald Eagle’s Audi last weekend and headed off towards Kapar, armed with just a GPS and a lot of faith, on a quest for some “pretty awesome seafood”.  Only Jun had been there before in his much younger days while riding in the backseat of his mummy’s car, so his […]

The Fabulous Bakers have done it again. Time to sample their wonderful and gorgeous creations this Raya. Who can say no to cakes by JUST HEAVENLY!  Angels in heaven shiver in delight at the very thought of that divine cake sliding through the palate as they play their harps. Malaysians are a giving community but with the festive […]

About this blog

Food, for me, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

Food, for me, represents the love of family, the fellowship of friends, and the community and communality it brings.