Food Type: Italian Category

1. I learnt a new word. Sitting at the Kop end of the Anfield stadium, I am moved to tears as I listen to grown men croon all their favourite tunes, surprisingly in harmony, as they wave their scarves in the air. There is a certain camaraderie amongst these hardcore supporters that move me. And […]

I love my Maxnetic card. (No one paid me to say this!)In just one month, I have enjoyed savings of over RM50. Okay, it’s probably a sign that I’m eating too much good food, but seriously, if you’re a person who eats out a couple of times a week and shops once a week or […]

Sunday breakfasts are always special to me as it is the only consistent meal which the Bald Eagle and I share together. Sometimes, our time spent together is filled with animated chatter, mostly in updating each other on the latest events happening in our lives, and at other times, it is companionable silence. I suppose […]

About this blog

Food, for me, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

Food, for me, represents the love of family, the fellowship of friends, and the community and communality it brings.