Bits and Pieces: Holidays Category

It may be almost the end of January 2009, but I am still in 2008.  Perhaps it is the flurry of activities that has me gasping for air, but it could also be age that’s slowing me down.  Anyhow, I am, as always,  too lazy to comprehend the meaning of life, so if my mind […]

In the town of Serendah, there is a tiny shop with a handpainted sign proclaiming its sweet treats within. Palkova, it says in Tamil lettering.  Barfi.  I grew up eating this, a solidified milk and sugar confection, and so the extreme sweetness doesn’t bother me.  The barfi here doesn’t have the anticipated rich buttery softness, but […]

Un-pho-gettable Vietnam

In: Bits and Pieces: Holidays

It is unfortunate that a prelude to a wonderful travel destination be tarnished by an awful plane meal.  On our flight to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) in Vietnam, what was really nasi kerabu was passed off as fried rice by one of the flight attendants.  But even after forgiving him of such an error, I thought it was unacceptable […]

About this blog

Food, for me, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

Food, for me, represents the love of family, the fellowship of friends, and the community and communality it brings.