‘Nine hours,’ I mused.What would you do if you had nine hours to spare? (A) Play Grand Theft Auto until your eyes turn red from the bulging veins; (B) Read Larousse Gastronomique (all of 1,360 pages) cover to cover; (C) Sleep; or (D) Have dinner at Abu Dhabi. It was a tough decision. Really. With […]

It is 1860 in Bakewell, Derbyshire. A visiting nobleman arrives at The White Horse, a local inn. He spots a sullen faced woman yawning at the Reception, and approaches her. ‘Harlow. Here got food ah?’ he asks. Mrs. Graves, upset at the rude interruption to her lovely daydream about nasi lemak with sambal sotong and […]

“What is the key,” a little voice whispered in my head, “to a good vacation?” “Teacher, teacher, me me me, teacher! Ummmm….being able to see with your eyes what you could only envision in the past based on documentaries on TV and photographs?” the star student answered. Certainly, that is a plausible answer. “Photographs, for […]

About this blog

Food, for me, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

Food, for me, represents the love of family, the fellowship of friends, and the community and communality it brings.