1. Hello.  I have a friend.  His name is Fatboybakes. Fatboybakes loves to cook. Fatboybakes loves to watch Nigella cooking.  Fatboybakes loves Nigella. 2. Behold Nigella! (Photo credit: courtesy of Discovery Travel & Living) If you’re like Fatboybakes and you love to cook and you love Nigella, set your scheduler for 7.00pm (Malaysian time) today […]

Bun Cha in Hanoi

In: Bits and Pieces: Holidays, Location: Vietnam

The internet has liberated a new kind of beast.  In the NST yesterday, it was reported that Ah Longs (loan sharks) used Facebook to humiliate their debtors.  Gone are the days of splashing red paint on the doors.  It does look like the more access you have to public media, be it Facebook or Twitter […]

I used to think that Pintxos was a proper noun. That was about the same time that I thought Madrid was a coastal city. However, within a week prior to departure, I had read so much literature on Spain that I suddenly felt like a walking Wikipedia. Notice nobody talks about encyclopedias these days? Remember […]

About this blog

Food, for me, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

Food, for me, represents the love of family, the fellowship of friends, and the community and communality it brings.