DRINKS Category

1. It was the world’s cheapest sang har meen.  Or at least, that’s what it appeared to me in my well-protected cocoon. At only RM8.50 a plate with some fresh juicy prawns thrown into a lovely eggy sauce, I certainly had no complaints. I am not sure if I shall be able to find this coffee […]

I love my Maxnetic card. (No one paid me to say this!)In just one month, I have enjoyed savings of over RM50. Okay, it’s probably a sign that I’m eating too much good food, but seriously, if you’re a person who eats out a couple of times a week and shops once a week or […]

I received a call from Nigel just after 9pm today. “Guess who I’m with?”, he asked, unable to contain his excitement. “Unkaleong?”, I warranted a guess. I knew that Unkaleong was down from Thailand for a quick break and it wasn’t that difficult to figure out who Nigel would be excited about. “Yes!”, he exclaimed. […]

About this blog

Food, for me, is a means to an end and not an end in itself.

Food, for me, represents the love of family, the fellowship of friends, and the community and communality it brings.